1. 高分辨率成像系統,可以清晰完整的拍攝動物的行走情況 ;
2. 使用鏡面反射成像,使動物的爪印、步態、關節同時成像在一個視野 ;
3. 具有可調的燈光系統,可以使動物爪印和關節在視野中清晰呈現 ;
4. 具有步態分析和關節分析模塊,可以分析老鼠每個步行的時間與空間特征、關節角度、步跨、步長、步寬和步態速度等 ;
5. 使用黑白式倉體,動物自主步行通過步行臺,無需額外獎勵或懲罰 ;
6. 步驟式引導軟件,可以使實驗人員快速熟悉和上手 ;
7. 支持多通道數據分析,可以一次性分析15組數據,節省分析時間;
8. 使用阿基里斯指數評估跟腱肌肉運動能力,使用坐骨神經指數評估坐骨神經功能 ;
9. 數據自動計算和分析,直接導出統計結果圖表
1. 動物運動功能恢復評估
2. 半帕金森動物的運動學分析
3. 特殊運動測試
[1] Hong C K, Yeh M L, Chang C H, et al. Comparison of changes in shoulder functions between biceps tenotomy and tenodesis in an animal model[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology, 2019, 15: 17-22.
[2] Ko P Y, Yang C C, Kuo Y L, et al. Schwann-cell autophagy, functional recovery, and scar reduction after peripheral nerve repair[J]. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2018, 64: 601-610.
[3] Chen Y H, Kuo T T, Kao J H, et al. Exercise ameliorates motor deficits and improves dopaminergic functions in the rat hemi-Parkinson’s model[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 3973.
[4] Hsueh S C, Chen K Y, Lai J H, et al. Voluntary physical exercise improves subsequent motor and cognitive impairments in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease[J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2018, 19(2): 508.
[5] Hsueh Y Y, Chang Y J, Huang T C, et al. Functional recoveries of sciatic nerve regeneration by combining chitosan-coated conduit and neurosphere cells induced from adipose-derived stem cells[J]. Biomaterials, 2014, 35(7): 2234-2244.
[6] Liang J I, Lin P C, Chen M Y, et al. The effect of tenocyte/hyaluronic acid therapy on the early recovery of healing Achilles tendon in rats[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2014, 25: 217-227.
[7] Tsai Y P, Chang C W, Lee J S, et al. Direct radiofrequency application improves pain and gait in collagenase-induced acute achilles tendon injury[J]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013, 2013.
[8] Lee T T Y, Tsai C F, Hsieh T H, et al. Ectopic pregnancy-derived human trophoblastic stem cells regenerate dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway to treat parkinsonian rats[J]. PloS one, 2012, 7(12): e52491.
[9] Liang J I, Chen M Y, Hsieh T H, et al. Video-based gait analysis for functional evaluation of healing achilles tendon in rats[J]. Annals of biomedical engineering, 2012, 40: 2532-2540.
[10] Lee H Y, Hsieh T H, Liang J I, et al. Quantitative video-based gait pattern analysis for hemiparkinsonian rats[J]. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 2012, 50: 937-946.
[11] Hsieh T H, Chen J J J, Chen L H, et al. Time-course gait analysis of hemiparkinsonian rats following 6-hydroxydopamine lesion[J]. Behavioural brain research, 2011, 222(1): 1-9.
1. 高分辨率成像系統,可以清晰完整的拍攝動物的行走情況 ;
2. 使用鏡面反射成像,使動物的爪印、步態、關節同時成像在一個視野 ;
3. 具有可調的燈光系統,可以使動物爪印和關節在視野中清晰呈現 ;
4. 具有步態分析和關節分析模塊,可以分析老鼠每個步行的時間與空間特征、關節角度、步跨、步長、步寬和步態速度等 ;
5. 使用黑白式倉體,動物自主步行通過步行臺,無需額外獎勵或懲罰 ;
6. 步驟式引導軟件,可以使實驗人員快速熟悉和上手 ;
7. 支持多通道數據分析,可以一次性分析15組數據,節省分析時間;
8. 使用阿基里斯指數評估跟腱肌肉運動能力,使用坐骨神經指數評估坐骨神經功能 ;
9. 數據自動計算和分析,直接導出統計結果圖表
1. 動物運動功能恢復評估
2. 半帕金森動物的運動學分析
3. 特殊運動測試
[1] Hong C K, Yeh M L, Chang C H, et al. Comparison of changes in shoulder functions between biceps tenotomy and tenodesis in an animal model[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology, 2019, 15: 17-22.
[2] Ko P Y, Yang C C, Kuo Y L, et al. Schwann-cell autophagy, functional recovery, and scar reduction after peripheral nerve repair[J]. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2018, 64: 601-610.
[3] Chen Y H, Kuo T T, Kao J H, et al. Exercise ameliorates motor deficits and improves dopaminergic functions in the rat hemi-Parkinson’s model[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 3973.
[4] Hsueh S C, Chen K Y, Lai J H, et al. Voluntary physical exercise improves subsequent motor and cognitive impairments in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease[J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2018, 19(2): 508.
[5] Hsueh Y Y, Chang Y J, Huang T C, et al. Functional recoveries of sciatic nerve regeneration by combining chitosan-coated conduit and neurosphere cells induced from adipose-derived stem cells[J]. Biomaterials, 2014, 35(7): 2234-2244.
[6] Liang J I, Lin P C, Chen M Y, et al. The effect of tenocyte/hyaluronic acid therapy on the early recovery of healing Achilles tendon in rats[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2014, 25: 217-227.
[7] Tsai Y P, Chang C W, Lee J S, et al. Direct radiofrequency application improves pain and gait in collagenase-induced acute achilles tendon injury[J]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013, 2013.
[8] Lee T T Y, Tsai C F, Hsieh T H, et al. Ectopic pregnancy-derived human trophoblastic stem cells regenerate dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway to treat parkinsonian rats[J]. PloS one, 2012, 7(12): e52491.
[9] Liang J I, Chen M Y, Hsieh T H, et al. Video-based gait analysis for functional evaluation of healing achilles tendon in rats[J]. Annals of biomedical engineering, 2012, 40: 2532-2540.
[10] Lee H Y, Hsieh T H, Liang J I, et al. Quantitative video-based gait pattern analysis for hemiparkinsonian rats[J]. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 2012, 50: 937-946.
[11] Hsieh T H, Chen J J J, Chen L H, et al. Time-course gait analysis of hemiparkinsonian rats following 6-hydroxydopamine lesion[J]. Behavioural brain research, 2011, 222(1): 1-9.